Commentary of 2014 State of the District Presentation by Alton Frailey:


The superintendent has had another one of his infamous 'State of the District" meetings albeit a month later than usual. (I suppose the "state of the district" hinged on whether or not the bond passed which is alarming!) We're all familiar with the "True North" State of the District debacle that Frailey orchestrated a while back. Can't remember him doing one last year when he lost the bond election. While the District's web site says "Today Katy ISD Superintendent Alton Frailey spoke to hundreds of Katy community members, dignitaries, and staff during his annual State of the District Address... the Chronicle reporter Leah Binkovitz says that "Superintendent Alton Frailey told a crowd of more than 100 district officials and employees... ." She failed to mention any "dignitaries or community members"!
So which is it--"hundreds" or just more than A hundred? Is this some more KISD FUZZY MATH? Go look at the District's web site (and do so before they take it down when they realize what they've done):  and at the Chronicle article before they change it:


(Ah, you're too late!  They took it all down--they don't like putting up evidence of my correctness on their own web site.  But please note, they still don't have any photos of those "hundreds" of attendees."  That's because such a large audience was just wishful thinking by our superintendent.  It didn't happen!)


Obviously what happened is that all the local Katy papers (other than which provides actual news stories) printed the school district's press release never checking on whether "hundreds" of people came to hear what the superintendent had to say.


I'll dub this one the "Thorn in the Side" State of the District Address.

Last time Mr. Frailey engaged in this same event, it turned out that there weren't nearly as many attendees as they would have had us believe. The superintendent "invites" employees to come who can't refuse the invitation--otherwise the room would probably be empty as we all know the "state of the district" without hearing Alton Frailey's version!
Here's what I said in 2012 after I obtained a list of those invited to the State of the District speech: The District's response was that 484 people were invited. Seventy-three of them came, and of those, 42 were KISD employees leaving thirty-one (31) citizens who were interested in the "state of the district" who are not employed by the district. That means that 411 invitees didn't give a hoot about listening to Alton Frailey! Somehow, he doesn't ever seem to get the message. I have asked for the list of invitees for 2014, but my track record on getting public information these days without its being very late, the wrong thing, or with a charge to choke a horse is not very good.
Mr. Frailey is also pumping his BEAM program which is an idea he probably copied from something he heard at the State TASA/TASB Convention. The thrust of BEAM is to get rid of those of us whom he considers a "thorn in his side." That goes along, sort of, with the "village idiot" label he stuck on some of us a few years ago. We all had a good laugh about that.
Jamie Vollmer, a shill for the Business Roundtable, also spoke at this meeting. He was also the guest speaker at the VIPS Banquet last May. If you don't understand the Business Roundtable's agenda, I suggest you read about it under Education/The BusinessRoundtable on my web site. Mr. Vollmer can be found receiving lots of money from most Texas school districts for coming in to brainwash the local employees and citizens. Just Google 'Jamie Vollmer ISD check registers' and see what you see!
Mr. Frailey is racking up quite a list of questionable statements. Calling Katy citizens who oppose him on many levels "village idiots" or "thorns" in his side, or playing the race card calling citizens "segregationists," or telling students to stop posting stories about a fight at Cinco Ranch High School are all lapses in judgment that in my opinion add up to a lack of good sense, biases that don't seem to quit, and a man seemingly out of control when his leadership and abilities are questioned. He is also obviously trying to curtail free speech. I think it's still against the law to do that!
Mr. Frailey received no overwhelming mandate in the bond election when he only received a 5.2% edge. Arrogance will eventually lead to his downfall. We've seen that happen before around here.