June 8, 2011


Dear Mr. Adams,


The total of eight minutes I’ve been given to voice my concerns about occurrences at Golbow Elementary have allowed me to state that I perceive there to be a problem at this school. These few minutes, however, have not made me believe my First Amendment rights have been met since there has been no resolution to the issues facing my former school. It is my intention to continue to pursue relief from oppression for the teachers and staff at Golbow, and to pursue justice for those who have no jobs because of said oppression. As a highly trained and experienced school administrator, I am certain that my belief in the instructional and professional expertise of the teachers I hired will be upheld in any courtroom. I challenge you to find fault with my decisions regarding recommendations for hire during my tenure at Golbow.


Certainly, I am well-acquainted with the grievance procedures written in Katy ISD Board Policy. That said, I am also sadly aware that grievances do not benefit employees since the vast majority end with negative results for the employee seeking fair treatment. In this school district, as in many others throughout Texas, the freedom to voice concerns through a “grievance” policy is ludicrous; the person filing is almost certain to meet defeat at the District level. It is not my intent to file a formal complaint through “the appropriate grievance process”; I have no reason to think it would be worth my effort.


Finally, Mr. Adams, I am surprised that my eight minutes at the microphone cause you to believe that you should invoke “reasonable restraints” on my freedom to speak during the public forum portion of your Board Meetings.  I question the constitutionality of your refusal to allow me to talk about Golbow Elementary during the Board’s public forum.  In fact, Board Policy BED (LEGAL) says, “When the Board sits in public meetings to conduct public business and hear the views of citizens, it may not discriminate between speakers on the basis of the content of their speech or the message it conveys”.  I am, therefore, asking you to recant your refusal to allow me to make further statements about Golbow Elementary at future Board Meetings. An investigation of the extreme turnover rate at Golbow has not occurred, nor has the Board made any effort to look into the allegations I have made.


Please honor my request for a reply within one day; after that time, I will share your denial of my right to speak with the media.




Terri Majors

Letter to which Mrs. Majors responded:


June 3, 2011


Mrs. Terri Majors

3025 Eula Morgan

Katy, TX  77493


Dear Mrs. Majors:


As President of the Board of Trustees, I have spoken with Mr. Frailey to confirm that you have been made aware of appropriate avenues for filing grievances, and he has assured me that you have been provided with this information.  In addition, you have also had an opportunity to present your concerns about Golbow Elementary during the public comment section of Board meetings multiple times in recent months.


The purpose of this letter is to make you aware that the Board is not required to provide a public forum for every citizen wishing to express an opinion on a matter.  In accordance with Board Policy BED (LEGAL), the board is allowed to make reasonable restraints on the number, length, and frequency of presentations.  The Board has the authority to limit the number of persons it will hear on a particular subject and the frequency with which they appear, as long as the regulation does not abridge guaranteed rights of freedom of speech and to petition, nor unfairly discriminate among views seeking expression.  Therefore, I want to inform you that the board will not be hearing any further comments from you regarding Golbow Elementary during future Board Meetings. 


You do have a right to file a formal complaint regarding a particular concern through the appropriate grievance process.  If you are unclear as to which grievance procedure to follow, you may contact Bonnie Holland, Assistant Superintendent for Governance, Legal Affairs, and Special Programs, or Steve Stanford, Director of Communications.  Either of these individuals can direct you to the proper process and forms.




Joe M. Adams

President, Board of Trustees


xc:  Board of Trustees

        Superintendent Alton Frailey